Journal Entry 5

Date: 1. 4. 2023

- Learn the basics of DOTween library
- Added audio juice for players, so they can play with their ears too. (Sounds for win & lose, 4 different sounds for bricks bounce, sounds for wall and platform bounce, and background loop music)
- Added juice for ball collision with walls and bricks. Walls will grow slightly for a small time and bricks will go smaller before destruction.

Notes: The library has really many features and they are easy to use. I thought it's mandatory and planned to add juice to games in the development process, but in reality, it looks like nobody knows about that 0_0;. And sounds were found on  

Invested hours: 
Sound juice: 30min
Collision juice: 30min
Page administration: 10min

Outcome: JuicinessBuild (uploaded to the page as a .zip file)

Files 24 MB
Apr 01, 2023

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